Friday, 26 February 2010

I have a very dear friend...........

whom I love very much. He is a wonderful man, who I have know for over 20 years and who is really the best friend any woman could want.
We have shared the best of times and the very worst of times in those twenty years. I can talk to him about nearly everything, he is a wonderful cook, we love to talk about hopes and dreams for our families, we share problems, he is the life and soul of every party (which I am definitely not) and his version of 'Amore', is a must at any event.
He is the snappiest dresser ever( its the Italian in him) and I can't imagine not having him in my life. On top of all that I am very close friends with his wife, godparent to one of his children and we share all occasions. We even went to Italy together several years ago, with the blessing of our spouses and had a wonderful time eating our way through Tuscany.
Today my friend is 50 and we are off tonight to celebrate with him and the family. They have had a very tough decade and my wish is that the next 10 years will be kinder in every way.
Well, what do you buy this man as a present.......these which I know he will adore, he's a sucker for a label. Happy birthday dearest friend.

Thank you.....

for all the kind thoughts and words. Of course she got back safe and sound, floating through the door at 1 am declaring it the best night of her life! One of the band had held her hand , gazed into her eyes and sang just to her! Ah.......should I spoil the moment, telling her how worried I had been all night, rant and rave about how stupid she had been to get in the car with an inexperienced driver in those conditions.............No of course I didn't, after listening to all and I mean all the details, I casually mentioned that maybe it hadn't been the best of ideas, she paused, 'that's why I didn't tell you she said'.....before floating up the stairs, leaving me to wait for the effects of the strong coffee to wear off and calm down..........who'd be a parent.................we would!!!!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

am hopping mad..........

and more than a little bit scared. Arrived home late after visiting an old friend after work, the motorway was treacherous with driving rain , the usual maniacs that drive lorries and the 4 x 4's that don't have their beam on but might just as well have as they are blinding you being that much higher up(I have a small car!) ....only to find that youngest has gone to her JLS concert in London, which I knew about, not in the friends car, that I thought ( she been driving for 18 months-which is worrying enough).....oh no, they have gone down the motorway in these filthy weather conditions, with a friend who passed her test 3 weeks ago and has never driven on a motorway in the day never mind tonight...........I am trying to be calm, but just want her to walk through the door! am sat here pulling at my hair as it turns white.

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Thanks for all good wishes friends but she didn't get in. That's two interviews and two rejections. So we are all really disappointed for youngest and a bit worried. As we've started talking to friends who are going through the same process this year, it seems the economic downturn is having a big effect on university places and that will only get worse next year with the proposed cuts to funding. Last year eldest had no interviews, she just had to get the grades. This year most of youngest's friends are having interviews for all different subjects, and not many offers, one maybe two. Even the really academic straight A kids.

Youngest did set her sights high, so we will see how the next two go, then maybe scout around for any one year foundation art places that are left.

Its hard to see your child so disappointed!

On the crafting front I was really chuffed this week to sell two things I've made. This (obviously when finished)and this. My friend asked me to make them so she could give them as gifts, but she did pay me. The embroidery I already had so I just framed it,(forgot to take a snap) and the scarf took me about 2 hours and looks really good in the grey.

The blanket continues to grow. Apologies to those who tried the link for the pattern. The site seems to be down. If anyone wants a copy let me know, I will try and get you a copy.( I only have a paper version)

Yesterday I went to a book sale and bought all these lovely books for £4.50. I love old books like this one given as a prize 50 years ago, beautiful pictures of France and this slim cookery on french recipes. The penguin box set of cookery books was a steal £2.00, I love the writing of Elizabeth David and Jane Grigson, and of course Nigel can always be relied on.

the craft books are excellent. Don't you just love these 1970s pictures of crochet loveliness.