this flower garden of mine......but oh the dreams of wrapping myself in this little beauty with the admiration of all around me are fading fast.
The comments have got worse and dare I say it, my beauty has become a joke round here with friends drawn into the debate and the consensus is universal. .......''its pretty but, no you can't wear it!'....that from a good friend. I ask you.
What kind of uncreative unappreciating bores am I surrounded by.
Looks are exchanged when its brought out so I will finish and block it somewhere out of sight.
So in public at least I have taken up the needle for some experimental embroidery, courtesy of a fantastic french tutorial. I dont understand everything she says but great visual instructions. No comments from the family on that yet!
Sunday found us in the city of Sheffield for a university visit.....and we all LOVED it.(Diane that was for you).
After the usual tour of the uni and accommodation, which was impressive, we had a couple of hours in the centre itself and it certainly lived up to expectation. Much better than the descriptions I could give you, visit
diane who is a great advocate for Sheffield and the surrounding areas....we are all sold , but she is visiting others on the south coast and Nottingham so its not a done deal yet, but fingers crossed.