Saturday, 26 June 2010

have you seen the film marathon man?.........

Friends I kid you not, it was the most traumatic 1 hour and 45 mins of my life! and I'm not talking about the football.

I am not generally given to dramatic prose, I promise you. Anyone that knows me would tell you that I am generally a woman of few words and known to play down every stressful situation. But this was third world stuff and I am still recovering. (with the help of elderly parent's strong painkillers)

Did I really give thanks on Wednesday to the footie fan who had given up their appointment!

So with a teeny hint of melodrama, I can promise I will never watch poor Dustin Hoffman in that film ever again(for those too young or too sensible it includes a terrible scene involving a dentist played by Lawrence Olivier- say no more) it is I have hardly slept since.......without a doubt giving birth felt easier and safer.

So on to far happier things. EXAMS are finished.....not for me of course but youngest, though it has felt a lot like we were under the same pressure at times. Every teeny weeny thing we asked her to do was met with the retort 'exams remember'. Well no more ha ha.
Housework duties start can imagine the response that got.

Look what came in the post today. ooh I do love little parcel deliveries and this did not fail to delight.
Also as we are short of a wool shop in the small town (and I could not be bothered to go into Cambridge for John Lewis this morning), I also bought these in the charity shop. £1.50 for 100g. Granted of course it is acrylic but its nice acrylic, quite soft and very easy to work with. I will get some merino dk when I get to JL cos that's my fave.

So...... youngest is at work, Herb is watching football and I shall adjourn to the garden for some hooking and a glass of rose.

lovely weekend everyone.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Toothache Tulips........

from my family to help ease the pain. (actually its only serious painkillers from elderly parent that is helping).

I have the mother of all toothaches which will end hopefully this afternoon at 4pm with the extraction of said tooth. I know I know the football but after four days of serious pain and when you are this close to taking a hammer to your own jaw , a game of football just does not figure. Actually thank goodness for the footie.........I would have had to wait until Monday otherwise, so god bless the person that cancelled their appointment this afternoon.

Have finished one front for the little crochet cushions and am really pleased with the effect. Am awaiting yarn to finish the back but am more than occupied with these lovely little babies.
Again, there is just not enough hours in the day for all the lovely things I want to try.

Am off now with the yarn, hook,sun, painkillers and ipod (latest archers omnibus to catch up on-poor sid)
Enjoy the match!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Things that take your mind off work....

Work is not good, it's public sector so no funds equals less jobs. It will be very unpleasant for the rest of the summer and is affecting me sleep wise. However I am trying not to be pulled down by it, so am filling the space with stuff.

Tuesday youngest took a break from revision and we went to see a's a clue. Guess? indeedy those four lovely ladies from NYC. We loved it despite the reviews and the ridiculousness of the tale. We ate popcorn and laughed a lot. Do go for a giggle, nothing heavy.

Yesterday we promised ourselves a trip to the coast. I had imaging a lovely picnic on the glorious sands, youngest sunning herself with a nose in a text book. Me with i pod and hooking, surrounded by gorgeous yarn and Herb with his binos, bird watching and bringing us ices and cold drinks. But of course this being blighty it was raincoats, scarves and woolly hats. Still we had the beach to ourselves apart from some nesting plovers and oyster catchers ( its rubbing off.)

we had a wonderful time and finished with a quick trip to Chelsea on Sea, sorry Burnham Market, (this gorgeous pad would do me)for a cream tea before rushing back for youngest to do her shift at the posh peoples supermarket. (note 25% off wine and champagne this week-well worth it)

Today has been doing what I love best, pottering round the house. I sat in the little sun we've had today and with the Archers on ipod carried on with the four way bargello. A little experiment, fun to do but am not sure I like the effect. .........and started a new crochet granny using old bit of yarn. I have sorted my threads and finally sewn the last end in the blanket finished last year. Altogether a productive crafty day.
Finally we have this at the front of the house....classily done with black tape dont you think? but Herb insisted. ........its the only flag in the street!.........

beautiful flowers in the garden......enjoy the rest of the weekend folks