Wednesday, 26 October 2011

21 today......

I cannot believe my baby girl is 21 today. where on earth have those years gone!

She is in York and we are down south and it does feel really odd not to be with her but we have spoken and her house mates prepared her breakfast, I ordered a cupcake cake  from here which she says is gorgeous -all pink and glittery and she is very very happy. What more could we want.

We are all meeting up in Sheffield on Friday (our new favourite place) to continue the celebrations.

Back in time a bit....Turkey! what can I say. I had no expectation, no strike that I half expected not to like it. I don't like overly touristy places, little Britain's......egg and chips and Irish pubs with sun.

But it exceeded all expectation.......the perfect band aid for the year we have had.....and I have discovered that I really like lazy holidays.
The biggest decision of the day was where to have supper.......some days we got on the wonderful dolmus -taxis that will stop anywhere....we explored a little....but mainly swam in the sea, read, walked (sewed - me only) and ate!
The girls are a little miffed that we have somehow managed to have their perfect holiday without them after subjecting them (their words) to years of traipsing round french churches villages etc etc.

What can I say.....this is the life of us empty nesters! It was a lovely place, obviously not very busy because of the time we went,  in the 30s every day, low humidity, beautiful views and the most hospitable people (which after France was a revelation)....and not forgetting being outside the euro zone, incredibly affordable....long may it continue, will return in 2012 I hope.

 Lastly I believe I am probably officially addicted to buying fabric on line......well anywhere really but without close proximity to any  fabric shops on line is easy...well too easy(especially after a glass of wine or two).

Some of my latest acquisitions with a shed load more on the way from the states.......just a mention though for this site M is for make......ordered one day, arrived next morning......brilliant.
great to catch up with everyone.....after the holiday, life looks good again.